Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Learn to Surf Experience in Gold Coast

Surfing was always what I dreamed about and wanted to do while in Australia. I chose to learn in Gold Coast as the weather is warmer and it’s a popular surfing destination.

One of my days in Gold Coast, I called up the Get Wet Surf School and decided to join for the first surfing lesson for beginners. In the afternoon, a crew came and picked me up and three others to The Spit, north of Surfers Paradise. At the beach, we were taught the basic steps on how to stand on the surf board and some restrictions before we headed to the water.    

Four of us took turn to perform and I was occasionally able to stand on the surf board when the waves came.  Still, I once forgot what the crew warned and I faced the huge waves with the surf board when I was not ready to jump on it yet. Oh my god! I was badly hit by the surf board caused by the waves and injured. What a shame! In truth, I initially intended to take consecutive 3 surfing lessons. However, I eventually gave up the other 2 lessons after my first surfing experience.

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